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Roland JD-800 Nylon Guitar Restored

by Reza Khadafi

Uploaded on Jul 15, 2023 (and last updated on Dec 29, 2023)

i've Found these presets called 1014 NYLON.G it's Akai S-1000 year 1988 remember Looks like they're nice Sounds is very good or Similar inspired by Roland Cloud plugins thinking L-CD701 Rhythm Section 1 or RSA Guitar CD ROM loop being High Quality version Better ripped should Because i will love we must just but already Have been Restoring samples as finally almost done could too late 80s early 90's a also S-770 & JD JV series Waveform having releasing out available Do...

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Public small Work in the Public Domain
Extra considerations: Special Thanks Roland Corporation Happy time Finally out successful done soon Forever is 100%

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This libre SoundFont is a new fixed version of Micasddsa4000's Jummbox Soundfont, I, stgiga, fixed the pitch, OPL2 samples, modulators, and mappings, and also added Zandro Reveille's OPL3 drums (TheFatMan is part of the equation, including OPL2 booster drums too) (also William B. Santos's YM2612 and Piconica (free basic waveform synth tool of sorts) drums were used to boost the range again, followed by little-scale's and drunkenjesus's OPLL drums, resulting in a drum rang...

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By sa small Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 International
Extra considerations: BeepBox and JummBox are under The MIT License, and Zandro's OPL3 and OPL2 are under CC-BY-SA4, which is compatible with The MIT License (and GPLv3 as well, so you can use this SoundFont in anything GPL3-licensed. So yes, this bank is certifiably able to be a Linux package, even on distros like Trisquel that ONLY allow libre packages. Also, I have the bank on OpenGameArt for use in any games of the Liberated Pixel Cup variety, a game jam dedicated towards making FOSS games. This bank is also on other places besides this site, such as, OpenGameArt, IndieGameMusic,, SourceForge, and others. And no, I didn't paywall the bank on ANY of the other sites it is on. I even point people to this site in the description to fulfill my CC-BY-SA4 obligations to attribute. I consider this SoundFont to be one of the best FOSS things I have done.) The William B. Santos stuff is Public Domain. OPLL stuff is libre. The Retro Player bank is under CC-BY 3.0.

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This libre Soundfont is an alternate fixed version of Micasddsa4000's Jummbox Soundfont, I, stgiga, fixed the pitch, OPL2 samples, modulators, and mappings, and also added Zandro Reveille's OPL3 drums (TheFatMan is part of the equation, including OPL2 booster drums too) (also William B. Santos's YM2612 and Piconica (free basic waveform synth tool of sorts) drums were used to boost the range again, followed by little-scale's and drunkenjesus's OPLL drums, resulting in a dr...

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By sa small Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 International
Extra considerations: Beepbox and Jummbox are under the MIT license, and Zandro's OPL3 and OPL2 are under CC-BY-SA4, which is compatible with the MIT license. The William B. Santos stuff is Public Domain. OPLL stuff is libre. The Retro Player bank is under CC-BY 3.0.

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This libre Soundfont is a fixed version of Micasddsa4000's Jummbox Soundfont. I, stgiga, fixed the pitch, OPL2 samples, modulators, and mappings, and also added Zandro Reveille's OPL3 drums (TheFatMan is part of the equation, including OPL2 booster drums too) (also William B. Santos's YM2612 and Piconica (free basic waveform synth tool of sorts) drums were used to boost the range again, followed by little-scale's and drunkenjesus's OPLL drums, resulting in a drum range of...

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By sa small Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 International
Extra considerations: Beepbox and Jummbox are under the MIT license, and Zandro's OPL3 and OPL2 are under CC-BY-SA4, which is compatible with the MIT license. The William B. Santos stuff is Public Domain. OPLL stuff is libre.

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This Soundfont is a fixed version of Micasddsa4000's Jummbox Soundfont. I, stgiga, fixed the pitch and mappings, and also added Zandro Reveille's OPL3 drums (TheFatMan is part of the equation, including OPL2 booster drums too) because Micas didn't use drums. It's really neat and retro!Enjoy!Stay safe, stay at home, and wash ur hands!Sincerely, stgigaMetadata has been updatedNPC's new soundcloud page is here: FYI I'm nonbinar...

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By sa small Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 International
Extra considerations: Beepbox and Jummbox are under the MIT license, and Zandro's OPL3 and OPL2 are under CC-BY-SA4, which is compatible with the MIT license.

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The (Fixed) Jummbox Soundfont Fork

by Micasddsa4000, NPC, Zandro Reveille, TheFatMan, stgiga

Uploaded on Jan 13, 2021 (and last updated on Apr 04, 2024)

This Soundfont is a fixed version of Micasddsa4000's Jummbox Soundfont. I, stgiga, fixed the pitch and mappings, and also added Zandro Reveille's OPL3 drums (TheFatMan is part of the equation) because Micas didn't use drums. It's really neat and retro! Enjoy! Stay safe, stay at home, and wash ur hands! Sincerely, stgiga Metadata has been updated NPC's new soundcloud page is here: (I haven't touched the comments field in th...

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By sa small Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 International
Extra considerations: Beepbox and Jummbox are under the MIT license, and Zandro's OPL3 is under CC-BY-SA4, which is compatible with the MIT license.

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by strixSF2

Uploaded on Nov 15, 2020 (and last updated on Sep 03, 2021)

A retro soundfont!

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Gpl small GNU General Public License v3.0
Extra considerations: "As a special exception, if you create a composition which uses these sounds, and mix these sounds or unaltered portions of these sounds into the composition, these sounds do not by themselves cause the entire composition as a whole to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the composition might be covered by the GNU General Public License. If you modify these sounds, you may extend this exception to your version of the sounds, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version."

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EVE burst error (PC-98) Soundfont

by Ryu Umemoto

Uploaded on Aug 08, 2020 (and last updated on Aug 09, 2020)

Background Info: Following my discovery of the PC-98 series of computers and their Yamaha FM sound cards, I came to hear many of Ryu Umemoto's excellent compositions. These have a very distinct sound compared to other soundtracks on the same hardware. In an attempt to allow myself and others to replicate this sound without needing to use tracker software/MML, I decided to create a Soundfont for none other than EVE burst error. How this Soundfont was Created: Tools: 98FM...

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FM tone nº 101 from EFFEC.FF

by Dekyo Ongen

Uploaded on Nov 07, 2019 (and last updated on Oct 11, 2020)

Another experimental mini-project. It just is a very small SoundFont that tries to recreate a 4-op FM tone data, which uses the detune parameter (DT). Found in the "EFFEC.FF" FM tone data bank from KAJA's PMD sound driver. I know there's already various SoundFonts with this sound but I tried to recreate it my way. It doesn't sound 100% perfect, but doesn't sound bad either. I think it sounds very decent. It includes two variants, a monophonic and a polyphonic preset. ...

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By small Creative Commons BY 4.0 International
Extra considerations: FM sound driver "P.M.D." (C) by Masahiro Kajihara (KAJA). FMPMD2000 FMP & PMD Music Player (including PMDWin and FMPWin playback libraries) (C) by C60. FM sound generator engine "fmgen" (C) by cisc. Note to people who make SoundFonts. If you wish to add this preset to your SoundFont and you share it, please give credit. Thank you!

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SampleSynthesis (an attempt to emulate/recreate toy keyboards and lo-fi retro sounds)

by Dekyo Ongen

Uploaded on Mar 05, 2018 (and last updated on Apr 10, 2021)

SampleSynthesis (beta version) is a SoundFont based on waveforms sampled from various sound sources. Note that "sound source" in my context refers to a sound generator software, not a public source of downloadable sounds. I made it to recreate electronic toys and more. (Specifically retro sounds). Features velocity layers in some presets, some of them are monophonic. I recommend use this SoundFont without sinc interpolation because it ruins loop points in the samples. No...

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