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Alex's gm soundfont version 1.3

by High quality sfs

Uploaded on Dec 01, 2020 (and last updated on May 23, 2021)

Description This is a gm soundfont I made because I didn't like the sound of the most popular soundfonts I tried. It's meant to sound as live as possible. I tried it with acoustic jazz, country and rock music and it sounds very good, even though I have to fix some things. Please let me know what do you think in the comments and report any bugs or problems. Also suggest me some improvements I can make to this to make it sound as live as possible, while keeping the size be...

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CT-7000 (Retro Synth) [Free Version]

by Michael Picher

Uploaded on Mar 20, 2017 (and last updated on Apr 04, 2024)

If you need that musical sound from an 80s rock band or a Homestar Runner cartoon, this sample library could fit the bill! I built this virtual synth from samples, recorded using a vintage keyboard, that just appeared one day. When we were kids, my brother and I spent countless hours playing around with it. I even composed some of my very first melodies of music using this keyboard. >> IMPORTANT: If you want to be notified when a new version of this sample library...

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All Rights Reserved to Michael Picher
Extra considerations: Feel free to use this virtual instrument in any commercial/non-commercial projects.

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Roland JV-1080 Drums (SF2)

by W. Duwindu Tharinda Perera

Uploaded on Mar 07, 2023 (and last updated on Mar 08, 2023)

This includes samples mainly sourced from this webpage; Other than that, a few samples from Thomas K's Roland JV-1010 (Volume Fixed), Roland SC-55 by EmperorGriefus, and ColomboGMGS2 was used to cover up some parts that weren't covered by the aforementioned webpage. Assembled to be GM-Compatible, and I was able to finalize it within a single day. Changelog: 3/7/2023 15:04 GMT - Added SFX, Ethnic (88), Asia (88) and CM32/64 kits, ...

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FM Synthesis Soundfont 1.40

by lucashedgehog94

Uploaded on Aug 03, 2018 (and last updated on Aug 03, 2018)

This is an FM Synthesis based soundfont for use with basically everything you can use a soundfont with.

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Korg X5 Drums (SF2)

by W. Duwindu Tharinda Perera

Uploaded on Mar 08, 2023 (and last updated on Mar 08, 2023)

Props to BrianFan The Hedgehog for suggesting me this! Just like the JV-1080 Drums, this soundfont also is a compilation from some other set of samples. Maybe it's some Room ambiance or a mysterious DSP Reverb or EQ left applied while the source samples were being recorded (before the author uploaded it to the relevant website) they doesn't sound perfectly neutral for me. It's up to you to decide whether or not apply an EQ treatment here. I'm more of a Rola...

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