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The Fixed Beepbox Soundfont

by stgiga, Micasddsa4000, Zandro Reveille, TheFatMan

Uploaded on Dec 16, 2020 (and last updated on Apr 04, 2024)

This Soundfont is a fixed version of Micasddsa4000's Beepbox Soundfont. I, stgiga, fixed the pitch and mappings, and also added Zandro Reveille's OPL3 drums (TheFatMan is part of the equation) because Micas didn't use drums. It's really neat and retro! Enjoy! Stay safe, stay at home, and wash ur hands! Sincerely, stgiga

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By sa small Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 International
Extra considerations: Beepbox is under MIT, and Zandro's OPL3 is under CC-BY-SA4, which is compatible with MIT.

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Helper for MusESequenzer

by Bernd Mullet

Uploaded on Sep 25, 2019 (and last updated on Apr 04, 2024)

In idf-Dateien are instrument-configuration-files to use it in the MusE Sequenzer ( In 'Tabellen zum Bearbeiten v Muse-idf-Dateien' you find open-documend-spreadsheets (ods) used by LibreOffice or OpenOffice, to create lines for the idf-files. Idfs are xml-files can be red by MusE. So you can use a simple .TXT-file-editor to edit them, but keep the syntax. ! I created these files for myself, so they are in german. So don't be worry, the few wor...

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Wtfpl small Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License 2.0
Extra considerations: I beg you to use it to benefit love, peace, freedom, saveing habitat and stop violence, torture, repression. thx.

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nylon guitar V3 soundfont

by TheSoundfontMaker

Uploaded on Jan 04, 2023 (and last updated on Apr 04, 2024)

Sampled from Falcon FG103 guitar recorded with Audacity. whats new in nylon guitar V3 soundfont fixed sample playback delay added more samples

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These files have an unknown license, were obtained from unkown sources or were compiled from third party material.

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