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8-Bit Chip

by Michael Picher

Uploaded on Sep 29, 2016 (and last updated on Sep 18, 2019)

Introducing Version 2.0!! SFZ Format Pulse (3 variants), Triangle, and Noise waves Simple keyboard layout "Legato" effect Vibrato, tremolo, slide (portamento), attack, and release controls ​ The goal, when designing "8-Bit Chip", was to create something that was friendly to a musician, rather than a programer. Traditionally, 8-Bit music is created in what can be described as a spreadsheet-like environment, where pitches and effects are coded one at a time. My idea was ...

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All Rights Reserved to Michael Picher
Extra considerations: Feel free to use this virtual instrument in any commercial/non-commercial projects!

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SampleSynthesis (an attempt to emulate/recreate toy keyboards and lo-fi retro sounds)

by Dekyo Ongen

Uploaded on Mar 05, 2018 (and last updated on Apr 10, 2021)

SampleSynthesis (beta version) is a SoundFont based on waveforms sampled from various sound sources. Note that "sound source" in my context refers to a sound generator software, not a public source of downloadable sounds. I made it to recreate electronic toys and more. (Specifically retro sounds). Features velocity layers in some presets, some of them are monophonic. I recommend use this SoundFont without sinc interpolation because it ruins loop points in the samples. No...

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BeepComp Chiptune SoundFont

by sills

Uploaded on Aug 02, 2021 (and last updated on Aug 03, 2021)

I took some samples from the software BeepComp and turned it into a little soundfont that can be used with any software that uses .sf2 files. Good samples for making old-school chiptune, 8-bit, or retro arcade style songs.

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