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This Soundfont is a fixed version of Micasddsa4000's Jummbox Soundfont. I, stgiga, fixed the pitch and mappings, and also added OPL4 drum parts to Zandro Reveille's OPL3 drums (TheFatMan is part of the equation, including OPL2 booster drums too) because Micas didn't use drums. It's really neat and retro! Enjoy! Stay safe, stay at home, and wash ur hands! Sincerely, stgiga Metadata has been updated NPC's new soundcloud page is here:

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Licensing Gray Area
These files have an unknown license, were obtained from unkown sources or were compiled from third party material.
Extra considerations: Beepbox and Jummbox are under the MIT license, and Zandro's OPL3 and OPL2 are under CC-BY-SA4, which is compatible with the MIT license. The YRW-801 OPL4 samples aren't likely free.

This is cool!
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This Soundfont is a fixed version of Micasddsa4000's Jummbox Soundfont. I, stgiga, fixed the pitch and mappings, and also added Zandro Reveille's OPL3 drums (TheFatMan is part of the equation, including OPL2 booster drums too) because Micas didn't use drums. It's really neat and retro!Enjoy!Stay safe, stay at home, and wash ur hands!Sincerely, stgigaMetadata has been updatedNPC's new soundcloud page is here: FYI I'm nonbinar...

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By sa small Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 International
Extra considerations: Beepbox and Jummbox are under the MIT license, and Zandro's OPL3 and OPL2 are under CC-BY-SA4, which is compatible with the MIT license.

This is cool!
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The (Fixed) Jummbox Soundfont Fork

by Micasddsa4000, NPC, Zandro Reveille, TheFatMan, stgiga

Uploaded on Jan 13, 2021 (and last updated on Apr 04, 2024)

This Soundfont is a fixed version of Micasddsa4000's Jummbox Soundfont. I, stgiga, fixed the pitch and mappings, and also added Zandro Reveille's OPL3 drums (TheFatMan is part of the equation) because Micas didn't use drums. It's really neat and retro! Enjoy! Stay safe, stay at home, and wash ur hands! Sincerely, stgiga Metadata has been updated NPC's new soundcloud page is here: (I haven't touched the comments field in th...

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By sa small Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 International
Extra considerations: Beepbox and Jummbox are under the MIT license, and Zandro's OPL3 is under CC-BY-SA4, which is compatible with the MIT license.

This is cool!
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by strixSF2

Uploaded on Nov 15, 2020 (and last updated on Sep 03, 2021)

A retro soundfont!

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Gpl small GNU General Public License v3.0
Extra considerations: "As a special exception, if you create a composition which uses these sounds, and mix these sounds or unaltered portions of these sounds into the composition, these sounds do not by themselves cause the entire composition as a whole to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the composition might be covered by the GNU General Public License. If you modify these sounds, you may extend this exception to your version of the sounds, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version."

This is cool!
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I, stgiga, made this layered mashup of the Yamaha Tyros 4 fixed Soundfont by Milton Paredes (which was fixed by RolandKnight) and the JV-1010 Soundfont. This results in a layered GM bank with snazzy timbre and it sounds really really good with many MIDIs. The acoustic guitar is really realistic, among others. I hope that you enjoy this! No quality was sacrificed during the making of this. A second link is here:

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Licensing Gray Area
These files have an unknown license, were obtained from unkown sources or were compiled from third party material.
Extra considerations: This is a mashup.

This is cool!
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EVE burst error (PC-98) Soundfont

by Ryu Umemoto

Uploaded on Aug 08, 2020 (and last updated on Aug 09, 2020)

Background Info: Following my discovery of the PC-98 series of computers and their Yamaha FM sound cards, I came to hear many of Ryu Umemoto's excellent compositions. These have a very distinct sound compared to other soundtracks on the same hardware. In an attempt to allow myself and others to replicate this sound without needing to use tracker software/MML, I decided to create a Soundfont for none other than EVE burst error. How this Soundfont was Created: Tools: 98FM...

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