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Apollo GMGS v1.051 (3.89 GiB GM+GS soundfont)

by Caed

Uploaded on Jul 10, 2023 (and last updated on May 19, 2024)

It is recommended that you upgrade to v1.10, that features a bunch of fixes such as balancing. This soundfont has been renamed from "Caed's Ultimate Adequate GM" to "Apollo GMGS". I've spent almost 2 months making this version and making a bunch of well changes to this soundfont to achieve a better MIDI listening experience. I've removed many sounds from CrisisGeneralMidi3.01 and other bland samples and such and made this sound...

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Licensing Gray Area
These files have an unknown license, were obtained from unkown sources or were compiled from third party material.
Extra considerations: This soundfont uses a bunch of material, so PLEASE read the notice that was left in the archive and please email me if there is anything wrong with the soundfont, and action will be taken accordingly.

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Caed’s Trash GMGS Version 1.1

by Caed

Uploaded on Jun 20, 2022 (and last updated on May 19, 2024)

A GMGS soundfont created by Caed, based on RLNDGM. This is my first time making a GMGS soundfont, so it isn’t that perfect. Took 3 months to create this. Made with SynthFont Viena and a little bit of Polyphone. ***This soundfont version is no longer available. Please download the latest version at

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Edirol SD-20 ~ Contemporary Soundfont

by Thomas K.

Uploaded on Jun 25, 2021

This soundfont contains the Contemporary (default) GM2 sound set of the Edirol SD-20 sound module, for the most part. Though it is not possible to conform to the GM2 standards due to lack of Bank LSB with soundfont technology, however, I added most of these additional patches in place of their respective GS ones, meaning the GS support is about Roland SC-55 coverage, with a few additions. Note that this can be a bit confusing, because these are not sampled from its GS soun...

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Licensing Gray Area
These files have an unknown license, were obtained from unkown sources or were compiled from third party material.

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This my merger and fix of the Hedsound MT32 soundfont and Hakerg's GM version. Hakerg had forgotten the fret noise which broke certain songs, so what I did to fix that involved me putting the Guitar Harmonics thing there. Also I did some link-related stereo fixes without affecting the MT32's special stereo. I also painstakingly made the SFX kit into individual GS SFX items, while also making Bird Tweet better. I mapped the SFX also into the MSB Bank 64 XG SFX bank so that ...

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Roland JV-1010 GM Soundfont

by Thomas K.

Uploaded on Sep 24, 2020 (and last updated on Oct 17, 2020)

This is my first attempt at creating a soundfont based on a Roland JV-1010 sound module (one of my favorites), in an attempt to mimic its neat GM patches. It will obviously not sound exactly like the real thing, but it's still better than nothing if you don't have this sound module. Bear in mind that regarding percussion, GM only needs to support keys between 35-81, so anything below (27-34) or higher (82-87) is only used by GM2/GS/XG MIDIs. The drumsets here also have th...

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Licensing Gray Area
These files have an unknown license, were obtained from unkown sources or were compiled from third party material.
Extra considerations: The samples are all from a Roland sound module, so use it non-commercially, for some little fun.

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Live HQ Natural SoundFont GM V2.5.1

by UnderxPipe1985

Uploaded on May 17, 2020 (and last updated on May 19, 2024)

V2.5 - This is the biggest update and also this may be the final version. This is a soundfont that I compiled with high quality presets, mostly made by me, sampled from my Korg Pa700 and Roland JUNO-DS keyboards, everything in less than 1 GB, highlighting balanced and live quality pianos, guitars, basses, and more! Also includes 4 midi demo songs.

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Florestan Basic GM GS

by Nando Florestan

Uploaded on Jul 23, 2016

This is your average general-purpose General Midi bank with 128 different sounds, sampled from a Roland Sound Canvas module.

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