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Rushing Beat Shura (SFC) SoundFont

by Dekyo Ongen

Uploaded on Dec 12, 2021 (and last updated on May 19, 2024)

A personal SoundFont I made a while ago. This is the Japanese version of Jaleco's game "The Peace Keepers". Music was removed completely from the English version of the game and it was replaced with ambient SFXs. Like most SNES SoundFonts, these are the samples without envelopes, you have to create them yourself using your sequencer.

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These files have an unknown license, were obtained from unkown sources or were compiled from third party material.

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Super Mario Advance 4

by Dekyo Ongen

Uploaded on May 23, 2020 (and last updated on May 19, 2024)

A SoundFont of the game "Super Mario Advance 4" for GBA. This was possible by ripping the sample data from the ROM. I recreated loop points and envelopes (well, loop points at least are decent, so don't worry). The SoundFont is not 100% GM, specially the drumkit. Enjoy! 08/06/20: Added two more instruments. 25/07/20: Added the following sound effects: Seashore/rain Airplane Red Mushroom House ball sound effect (World-e mini game) Bomb (generic) Plus extra samples for t...

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These files have an unknown license, were obtained from unkown sources or were compiled from third party material.

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Casio CTK-230 SoundFont

by Dekyo Ongen

Uploaded on Jun 12, 2018 (and last updated on May 19, 2024)

This is a SoundFont of my Casio CTK-230. Months ago I started to make this SoundFont, only the piano presets. But on June 9 I started to continue it, and finally I completed it. I have sampled and also recreated the loop points in each sample, to save space and prevent this SoundFont from being large. There are some presets that I have not recreated because the envelopes that were used for those presets are not possible using the parameters that the SoundFont 2.1 format o...

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SampleSynthesis (an attempt to emulate/recreate toy keyboards and lo-fi retro sounds)

by Dekyo Ongen

Uploaded on Mar 05, 2018 (and last updated on May 19, 2024)

SampleSynthesis (beta version) is a SoundFont based on waveforms sampled from various sound sources. Note that "sound source" in my context refers to a sound generator software, not a public source of downloadable sounds. I made it to recreate electronic toys and more. (Specifically retro sounds). Features velocity layers in some presets, some of them are monophonic. I recommend use this SoundFont without sinc interpolation because it ruins loop points in the samples. No...

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