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Rocchetta Plin Plin SoundFont V2.05.5

by Simone Piervergili

Uploaded on Nov 13, 2023 (and last updated on Feb 28, 2024)

This SoundFont, which is 1,95 GB, is meant to be a high quality, realistic and nice sounding SoundFont for almost any genre of music. I made the electronic kits and synth instruments sound like iconic ones, so yeah, this SoundFont might sound popular. I also gave this a refreshing summer vibe, it may even have Italian vibes... Also, this update will sound more like Monster Energy to my ears, because I also drink that now, therefore, this update is made by someone who dri...

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Various Licenses
These files are made available through a mix of different licenses. Read the description, more info links, file contents or contact the author in order to get the full information.
Extra considerations: You'll never get tired of this soundfont, I hope you'll like it!

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Castel Volturno Grand Piano 2.0

by Sofia MZ

Uploaded on Nov 17, 2023

1969 C. Bechstein D282 Concert Grand Concert Grand, recorded at 24 bit, 48 kHz in Castel Volturno, Italy. 1,211 samples, 20 velocity layers, sampled in minor thirds from the lowest C. Pedal up and pedal down samples. Simulated half pedal. Simulated incremental soft pedal. Optional dampers and release noise for increased realism. Uncompressed size 4.8GB.

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Borgo Del Cervo Grand Piano 2.0

by Sofia MZ

Uploaded on Nov 18, 2023

1962 Bösendorfer Imperial Concert Grand, Recorded at 24 bit, 48 kHz in Borgo Del Cervo, Italy. 1,211 samples, 20 velocity layers, sampled in minor thirds from the lowest C. Pedal up and pedal down samples. Simulated half pedal. Simulated incremental soft pedal. Optional dampers and release noise for increased realism. Uncompressed size 4.8GB.

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Contessa Bazzi Grand Piano 2.0

by Sofia MZ

Uploaded on Nov 18, 2023

1956 Blüthner Model 1 Concert Grand, recorded at 24 bit, 48 kHz in Milan, Italy. 1,211 samples, 20 velocity layers, sampled in minor thirds from the lowest C. Pedal up and pedal down samples. Simulated half pedal. Simulated incremental soft pedal. Optional dampers and release noise for increased realism. Uncompressed size 4.8GB. .

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Contents: 7 instruments, Viola 2 vib, MG303 Bass, Br.Bone vib, Classic oboe (for those eager for Touhou 18) and more, plus more in the future Uncompressed size: 1.09 GB This is the second iteration of a collection of instruments made from the samples of the Edirol SD-90. A discontinued soundcanvas used by a popular guy named ZUN with some unique samples inside. And do not worry, these are from the actual system. They are straight from the original hardware and have each ...

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Licensing Gray Area
These files have an unknown license, were obtained from unkown sources or were compiled from third party material.
Extra considerations: Samples in this soundfont collection are from Roland Corporation, we do own nor claim to own anything exhibited here. All rights reserved to Roland corporation.

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Santa Marta Grand Piano 2.0

by Sofia MZ

Uploaded on Nov 18, 2023

2020 Fazioli F 308 Concert Grand, Recorded at 24 bit, 48 kHz in Milan, Italy. 1,211 samples, 20 velocity layers, sampled in minor thirds from the lowest C. Pedal up and pedal down samples. Simulated half pedal. Simulated incremental soft pedal. Optional dampers and release noise for increased realism. Uncompressed size 4.8GB.

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