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This is an American Gibson Les Paul electric guitar played on the both pick-ups setting and is played through a Fender Bassman '59 Reissue with old valves in. This gigasample has the same presets as the Fender Jaguar above (except it does not include the slaps and slides preset) and is also recorded with the volume on the edge of break up on the amp (read the Fender Jaguar above for description of amplifier setting). This guitar is suited to jazz and blues but can easily b...

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FS Fender Telecaster Both Pickups and Amp

by FlameStudios

Uploaded on Sep 08, 2015 (and last updated on Sep 08, 2015)

This is an American Fender Telecaster electric guitar played on the both pick-ups setting and is played through a Fender Bassman '59 Reissue with old valves in. This gigasample has the same presets as the Fender Jaguar and is also recorded with the volume on the edge of break up on the amp (read the Fender Jaguar above for description of amplifier setting). This guitar is suited to jangly indie sounds or clean country sounds but can be very rocky with more distortion added...

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This is a Japanese Fender Jaguar electric guitar played on the both pick-ups setting and is played through a Fender Bassman '59 Reissue with old valves in. This amp gives a really nice full clean sound. I have recorded it on the edge of break up so the low velocity samples come out clean and the high velocity samples come out with a bit of nataural power valve distortion. You can add more distortion with effects if you need it dirtier. It is hard to get this natural break ...

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FS Ibanez Electric Bass Guitar

by FlameStudios

Uploaded on Sep 08, 2015 (and last updated on Oct 15, 2015)

This is a more muffled bass, suited for blending in or behind distorted guitars but useful for any situation when a bass sound without so much clarity is needed. It is also a much smaller file than the rest. Originally I made this just for my own personal use but decided it might be useful to others as it fits some pieces where the washburn bass doesn't.

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FS Washburn Acoustic Bass Guitar

by FlameStudios

Uploaded on Sep 08, 2015 (and last updated on Oct 15, 2015)

This is a very rounded sounding electro-acoustic bass. Recorded straight without a mic, so there is no noise. This fits nicely with most types of music. Its deep but not overpowering, leaving room for other instruments. There is a choice of sample sets to choose from in this gigasample. Direct or through my j-station (which makes it sound more like its through an amp), or a mix somewhere between the two. The j-station samples are the same direct samples routed out and thro...

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Another acoustic guitar. This one sounds nice for fingerpicking arrangements and in general has a steadier sound than the Ibanez. If I had to choose just one of the acoustic guitars it would be this one. This one has a much rounder and fuller sound than the Ibanez. Both guitars go well together as they have different sounds to each other. This giga sample also has the same presets as the one above. i.e. A choice of dry or with Fender Reverb etc.. Both guitar gigasamples ha...

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An acoustic guitar suited to bluesy rhythms. Has quite alot of fret rattle with the high velocities but also a certain amount of mid to high frequencies which helps to give it its own place in a mix. You also have a choice of how much reverb you use just by using the mod wheel 2 (cc13) on certain presets. The reverb is a genuine old Fender Reverb unit. Which is a valve driven spring reverb. Not only is it a nice classic reverb but just putting the samples through it warms ...

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911115n Percussion Kit

by Omega9

Uploaded on Sep 06, 2015 (and last updated on Dec 20, 2021)

Scrap percussion kit in SFZ format. It is raw, no processing were made. 911115n Percussion Kit [FLAC] - 24.8MB 911115n Percussion Kit [WAV] - 41.1 MB

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D. Smolken's multi-sampled double bass (aka contrabass)

by DSmolken

Uploaded on Aug 29, 2015 (and last updated on Dec 27, 2015)

DSmolken at the KVR Audio Forum posted about sampling his acoustic double bass (aka contrabass) and how to best use the samples. Two primary sets of samples are provided - arco (that's bowed) and pizz (plucked) - with the addition of various "noises". If you check out his performance video, on YouTube, you might see what these might be used for... also the start of the demos below. Arco is 5 velocity layers with 2 round robins, pizz is 3 velocity layers with 3-4 round rob...

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By small Creative Commons BY 4.0 International
Extra considerations: I want it to be reusable including letting other people make better mappings, or an EQed and normalized version or whatever, and reuse it in other sample libraries.

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RetroDrums One

by Tic Tok Men

Uploaded on Aug 24, 2015 (and last updated on May 19, 2024)

These are samples of old drum machines I've collected over the years. Not all recordings were done in house (but all are free use licenses). The sample set consists of several drum machines (listed below). Each drum machines sounds are spread out over each octave from C1 to C7. There are, in some cases, sounds from some machines that have been grouped with others. This is because that machine had more then 12 sounds. But, the basic layout is the same on each. C = Bass Dr...

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All Rights Reserved to Tic Tok Men
Extra considerations: These sounds are available for personal or professional use in musical compositions. You may redistribute the original zip files under the following conditions. 1) Samples must be redistributed FREE OF CHARGE. They are not to be sold without written permission of The Tic Tok Men. 2) The "read_me" text file contained in the zip packages must remain intact and unaltered. With that, download away and go make some music.

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