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Showing search results for "ziya mete demircan"
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This my merger and fix of the Hedsound MT32 soundfont and Hakerg's GM version. Hakerg had forgotten the fret noise which broke certain songs, so what I did to fix that involved me putting the Guitar Harmonics thing there. Also I did some link-related stereo fixes without affecting the MT32's special stereo. I also painstakingly made the SFX kit into individual GS SFX items, while also making Bird Tweet better. I mapped the SFX also into the MSB Bank 64 XG SFX bank so that ...

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Ziya Mete Demircan's English Horn, originating from here: License on the SF2 says it's license free

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Public small Work in the Public Domain
Extra considerations: The license on the original location of the soundfont says it's license free.

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