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The Daemon's Organ

by experimentation by Mike77154

Uploaded on Mar 03, 2024 (and last updated on Mar 03, 2024)

and well guys, this soundfont exists because I want to show that a powerful and realistic hammond organ sound doesn't even require you to go to your grandfather's basement to record with a lot of microphones his hammond from the second world war I just need to take the Sinners organ and put a Leslie emulator in it (Spinner Le VST)

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These files are made available through a mix of different licenses. Read the description, more info links, file contents or contact the author in order to get the full information.

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well this soundfont exist cuz I want to proof that a Hammond organ is simple to emulate using only sines

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Various Licenses
These files are made available through a mix of different licenses. Read the description, more info links, file contents or contact the author in order to get the full information.

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Alesis Drum Module 4 SoundFont

by VentusArranger

Uploaded on Mar 02, 2024

I present to you the new soundfont on which I have spent the entire afternoon carefully implementing the samples, as well as ensuring that the programs are compatible with most tablatures. Moreover, I've adjusted the Release settings to eliminate abrupt sound cuts. However, I must mention that this soundfont is still incomplete. From the beginning, my intention was to also include the Alesis DM5 module, but there are unused samples. Therefore, this soundfont is available f...

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