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Showing search results for "notroblox"
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The ULTIMATE ROBLOX Soundfont Pack V1.2 (Update!)

by NotRoblox

Uploaded on Mar 30, 2024 (and last updated on Apr 18, 2024)

2nd Note: I've seen a lotta people cant open the file, so i've made a mirror for it and uploaded it on mediafire, download it from there and try seeing if it works. Note: Remember to credit its use with a link and @not_roblox. tag (including the dot)! (I just want to be nice and like all videos or maybe even subscribe to those that have this soundfont pack!) 2nd Note: I replaced this with a .zip file, because the other one was corrupt for some reason. Introducing the ul...

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Wind of Fjords (Smooth Loops and Everything binded)

by NotRoblox

Uploaded on Mar 03, 2024 (and last updated on Mar 27, 2024)

This is the Wind of Fjords SoundFont, do not worry, all instruments and drums are all binded and prepared, so go ahead, get a midi, and drop the soundfont, thats it. (I like saving time of people who don't have time.) Info about it: -has perfect loops, -accurate drums and instruments, -sounds beautiful for some reason. truly a Roblox moment. --Note: if you are going to use this soundfont, please give credit by giving this link in your description

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StealthPilot Soundfont (Roblox)

by NotRoblox

Uploaded on Mar 03, 2024 (and last updated on Apr 04, 2024)

This is the StealthPilot Soundfont of the old Roblox Soundtrack. There are also some special instruments not included by others, nor found, other than me, because I found it. Also, drums are already made and fixed, but instruments aren't, so you might want to find an app to set custom instruments on a midi. It also has perfect loops, corrected instruments and drums, so it sounds more accurate from the soundtrack. --Note: if you are going to use this, please give credit by...

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The Great Strategy SoundFont (Accurate)

by NotRoblox

Uploaded on Oct 12, 2023 (and last updated on Feb 09, 2024)

This sound font is an accurate recreation of The Great Strategy (Made by BadLiz, song is also known as the 2006 Roblox Theme) instrumentals, it also has smooth loops, and has drums. Sounds Great with most MIDIs. Btw it has the almost exact same reverbs as the .IT one. --Note: If you are going to use this, please give credit to me by saying that you have used this soundfont, made by NotRoblox, and also give them the link to the soundfont.

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