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EVE burst error (PC-98) Soundfont

by Ryu Umemoto

Uploaded on Aug 08, 2020 (and last updated on Aug 09, 2020)

Background Info: Following my discovery of the PC-98 series of computers and their Yamaha FM sound cards, I came to hear many of Ryu Umemoto's excellent compositions. These have a very distinct sound compared to other soundtracks on the same hardware. In an attempt to allow myself and others to replicate this sound without needing to use tracker software/MML, I decided to create a Soundfont for none other than EVE burst error. How this Soundfont was Created: Tools: 98FM...

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FM tone nº 101 from EFFEC.FF

by Dekyo Ongen

Uploaded on Nov 07, 2019 (and last updated on May 19, 2024)

Another experimental mini-project. It just is a very small SoundFont that tries to recreate a 4-op FM tone data, which uses the detune parameter (DT). Found in the "EFFEC.FF" FM tone data bank from KAJA's PMD sound driver. I know there's already various SoundFonts with this sound but I tried to recreate it my way. It doesn't sound 100% perfect, but doesn't sound bad either. I think it sounds very decent. It includes two variants, a monophonic and a polyphonic preset. ...

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By small Creative Commons BY 4.0 International
Extra considerations: FM sound driver "P.M.D." (C) by Masahiro Kajihara (KAJA). FMPMD2000 FMP & PMD Music Player (including PMDWin and FMPWin playback libraries) (C) by C60. FM sound generator engine "fmgen" (C) by cisc. Note to people who make SoundFonts. If you wish to add this preset to your SoundFont and you share it, please give credit. Thank you!

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