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Yousuke Yasui Guitar And Drums +Tek Drums SoundFont

by VentusArranger

Uploaded on Oct 29, 2023 (and last updated on Apr 04, 2024)

V1.0:Added FM Drums +Tek And Yasui V1.1:Added Yasui Arrange Drums (Roland R8) V1.2:Added Yasui Bass Guitar V1.3:The Yasui Guitar has been enhanced by incorporating a new sample, leading to the application of the following mechanics regarding mutes and sustains. mutes are now applied within the specific velocity range of 0-110, while sustains are employed at the velocity range of 111-127. additionally, a new snare has been introduced in the Yasui Drums Arrange, integrating ...

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Alesis Drum Module 4 SoundFont

by VentusArranger

Uploaded on Mar 02, 2024

I present to you the new soundfont on which I have spent the entire afternoon carefully implementing the samples, as well as ensuring that the programs are compatible with most tablatures. Moreover, I've adjusted the Release settings to eliminate abrupt sound cuts. However, I must mention that this soundfont is still incomplete. From the beginning, my intention was to also include the Alesis DM5 module, but there are unused samples. Therefore, this soundfont is available f...

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