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The Ultimate Genesis FM Patch Folder

by Foo Knee

Uploaded on Feb 21, 2023 (and last updated on Feb 21, 2023)

Are you feeling extremely retro? Have you always wanted to use the worst instrumentation possible in genesis trackers? Here is every instrument from the Ultimate Genesis Soundfont all in their original FM forms! most of the instruments come from MVS Tracker and the rest come from Sonic 1, 2, 3, and Knuckles Chaotix. Also included is samples from GenesiSF. This folder is designed for when you're finally ready to reach the final stages of Retritis.

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The Absolute Sega FM Soundfont V2!!!

by Mx. K

Uploaded on Jul 21, 2022 (and last updated on May 19, 2024)

The Absolute Sega FM Soundfont Version 2! This is what happens when a teenager is bored in the summer. "Nice" -Verify Wire Version 2: Added new drum samples, added GEMS Samples, made the presets to fit with General Midi, and some more. Old Desc: I combined all of my soundfonts (and added some new stuff) for this soundfont, go nuts. Previous Updates: Version 1.75: (OPL I added OPL samples and fixed some looping within the samples. Version 1.5: (I added some Drums, Wa...

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