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stin soundfont 2

by High CPU / stin

Uploaded on Mar 17, 2022 (and last updated on Apr 04, 2024)

the sequel to the hit soundfont "STAIN SOUNDFONT_gm.sf2" most of the samples are either from my computer or random presets i made in various synth plugins patch list: -- melodic -- 000: Studio Grand | from Addictive Keys VST 001: House Keys | from Addictive Keys VST 002: DIY Harpsichord | from Addictive Keys VST 003: Dancepiano 2k7 | from Nexus 2 VST 004: xp organ | made from a heavily modified windows xp sound 005: den'gi | from домашние деньги commercial 006: b...

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Street Fighter Alpha 1 GM V1

by Mike77154

Uploaded on Dec 16, 2021 (and last updated on Dec 16, 2021)

I remember that in the age of whizzipwhipit wonderful doesnt exist the VGMtrans software, however when I discover that wonderful tool I put myself to rip every cps2 soundfont, even the Street fighter alpha 1995 soundfont was my first attempt to manipulate a soundfont editor, and I remember that I share the soundfont with Wizzipwhitwonderful, however some years later I put myself to learn General Midi standards, so I try to map this properly Even I add a preoperly standard...

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some years ago, our friend bca759577 ripped one of the most powerful sample sets on the world of the arcades in the 80s, so let me share with you this gorgoeus soundfont to bring you back to the sega golden age on arcade saloons

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