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Spongebob Squigglepants Soundfont, Wii.

by BgYs, ripped from Wii Disc.

Uploaded on Jun 25, 2023 (and last updated on Jun 26, 2023)

The story of this soundfont is quite interesting. The game came with several separate soundfonts with shared samples, but not all of them (there were about 7 soundfonts which had several common samples among all the soundfonts, but each soundfont had also its own individual samples). I took it upon myself to gather them all into a one single soundfont. Then I named all the instruments (they were named with arbitrary names, such as "BANKINSTRUMENT1". Then I assigned all the...

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Licensing Gray Area
These files have an unknown license, were obtained from unkown sources or were compiled from third party material.
Extra considerations: I don't know where did this samples come from, they've been extracted from a 3rd party Nintendo Game Disc so I can guess this samples are owned by a non-videogame-dedicated company.

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