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Shin Nippon Pro Wrestling Toukon Retsuden 2 - The Next Generation soundfont

by HandlebarOrionX

Uploaded on Mar 12, 2021 (and last updated on Apr 05, 2024)

This is the more complete soundfont compared to NJPW's first N64 offering. Mostly the same instruments but with the "Inoki Bombaye" chant, Great Muta's heartbeat intro and NWO Japan's wicked cool sound logo.

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Shin Nippon Pro Wrestling Toukon Retsuden - Brave Spirits soundfont

by HandlebarOrionX

Uploaded on Mar 12, 2021 (and last updated on Apr 05, 2024)

The sorta forgotten NJPW games for the N64! This soundfont is pretty good, but not as great as the sequel which is basically a more complete version

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