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Matrix SoundFont v1.4

by Matrix369

Uploaded on Jan 03, 2023 (and last updated on May 19, 2024)

V1.4 is the last v1 version of this soundfont. You can find the latest version of the original free HQ GM/GS/XG SF2 Matrix SoundFont (ca. 1 GB) by cliking on my profile "Matrix369" link.Soundfont version v1.4 - additional corrections (mostly in drum section), added ukulele.Matrix SoundFont is a free, high quality and high balanced sf2 SoundFont, ca. 1 GB in size, GM compatible (partially GS/XG), created primarily due to the desire for a high balanced SoundFont and a better...

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By sa small Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 International
Extra considerations: The license for this SoundFont is various and valid as for any individual source (see "MatrixSF - instruments, licenses.txt"). You can use this sounds/instruments respecting the licenses or even create your own SoundFont from this with some modifications (fork) and publish it, but you must also indicate this in the SoundFont name (e.g. "MatrixSF (edited by Mark)", "MatrixSF Mark version"...), put the license/attribution file for the original creators and give the SoundFont for free. The list of sources of all instruments and the corresponding licenses are ca. 99% correct, because I probably missed a few sounds due to testing from many sources. If any sound/instrument should not be in this SoundFont, please send mail at, it will be removed/replaced.

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This my merger and fix of the Hedsound MT32 soundfont and Hakerg's GM version. Hakerg had forgotten the fret noise which broke certain songs, so what I did to fix that involved me putting the Guitar Harmonics thing there. Also I did some link-related stereo fixes without affecting the MT32's special stereo. I also painstakingly made the SFX kit into individual GS SFX items, while also making Bird Tweet better. I mapped the SFX also into the MSB Bank 64 XG SFX bank so that ...

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