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Yamaha MA2 fm soundfont

by Yamaha

Uploaded on Mar 20, 2024 (and last updated on Mar 20, 2024)

This is a small fm soundfont of the Yamaha MA2 chip. It was used in some phones by Samsung, LG ecc. I found it on a websyte that even has ringtones from original phones, and soundfonts of them, and I've decided to post it here because it's very rare to find! EnjoyDescrivi cos'è, come si usa, come è stato realizzato, ecc...

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Beatnik Mobile Banks (SF2)

by Beatnik Inc.

Uploaded on Jun 27, 2019 (and last updated on Aug 25, 2019)

The sound banks bundled with Beatnik Player for Mobile Audio, unencrypted. Includes: the 30KB, 50KB, 60KB, 100KB, and 300KB (Bada OS and Blackjack) soundbanks. The 100KB bank is used in cheap SE phones like the T250i/K330/T280i, and cheap Sagem/Motorola phones. The 'Blackjack' 300KB bank is used in many Windows Mobile phones like the Samsung Blackjack. The 'Bada' 300KB bank is used in Samsung Wave phones. UPDATE: 8/11/2019 - Fixed the Mobile60, 30, and 300 soundfonts

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