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Musyng Kite

by Unknown

Uploaded on Dec 15, 2021 (and last updated on Dec 15, 2021)

Musyng Kite is the final, definitive revision of the former Evanessence soundfont, which was released March 14th 2013. After more than a year, plus 3 years total of editing it (counting the day I began to collect samples), Musyng is the final version of the original Musica 7 soundfont, which then was called Musical Box a year afterwards, then Evanessence, and now Musyng Kite. Well, I have been fiddling with the soundfont format in the olden times but never got to distribu...

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Colombo MT-32 SoundFont (sfpack)

by Duwindu Tharinda

Uploaded on Feb 27, 2021 (and last updated on Dec 22, 2021)

This is a sort of totally edited version of "Phoenix MT-32" with most of the well known presets having replaced with my ColomboGMGS2 SoundFont. More fixes would be coming out later.

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The Kawasaki Sax-A-Boom Soundfont (Jack Black)

by Wrapped Tomato Soup with Cheese

Uploaded on Sep 23, 2020 (and last updated on Apr 04, 2024)

-Here's a sampled soundfont of the glorious and well known Sax-A-Boom! The quality is kinda bad because the original audio had some clicking noises that I was able to silence only by lowering the audio. But does it really matter when the Sax-A-Boom quality is low in the first place? I hope it doesn't bother. -Remember fellas! This is a rare and expensive instrument that needs A LOT of practise! Have a Sax-A-Boom everyone! (As a... Digital Instrument.) Samples from: https:...

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These files have an unknown license, were obtained from unkown sources or were compiled from third party material.

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sf2 (3) sfpack (3)