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WCW Backstage Assault soundfont

by HandlebarOrionX

Uploaded on Mar 14, 2021 (and last updated on Apr 05, 2024)

Another soundfont where all the instruments are just bits of WCW entrance themes chopped up into sections to loop with one note on your keyboard. But you can play them all in all the other keys for hilarious results. Why didn't Virtual Pro Wrestling 2, WWF Wrestlemania 2000 and WWF No Mercy do this for their entrance themes which were also chopped and compressed into snippets looped for entrances? How does the worst wrestling game on the N64 in WCW Backstage Assault organi...

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WCW Mayhem soundfont

by HandlebarOrionX

Uploaded on Mar 13, 2021 (and last updated on Apr 05, 2024)

None of the instruments can be used legally unless you have legal permission from the WWE or unless you're making very interesting mems and mash ups, because the whole soundfont is select WCW themes chopped into sections and looping in certain sequences during entrances. Which for some reason, the AKI WWF and AJPW games did not do with their soundfonts. Their non-MIDI sequenced entrance themes were horribly compressed soundbytes from themes saved as sound effects looping ...

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WCW Nitro soundfont

by HandlebarOrionX

Uploaded on Mar 13, 2021 (and last updated on Apr 05, 2024)

Very high quality instruments, but most of the soundfont is the WCW commentary team of Tony Schiavone and Bobby "The Brain" Heenan. but it also has some high quality recordings of the WCW ring being slammed on

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WWF War Zone soundfont

by HandlebarOrionX

Uploaded on Mar 13, 2021 (and last updated on Apr 05, 2024)

The only Acclaim wrestling game on the N64 to use on-board MIDI and have a soundfont. The others like WWF Attitude and ECW Hardcore Revolution surprisingly used full music soundbytes for their entrance themes. Even if ECW HR has none of the official ECW entrance themes for copyright reasons.

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