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Industromatic v1.0 Soundfont

by Erik Hermansen

Uploaded on Mar 10, 2016

Really fun samples with weird and usable sounds laid out as a drumkit preset. Hammersound Description: One megabyte of percussion samples in the industrial style (i.e. metallic and electronic sounding). Hiss! Clank! Boom! Hope you like it and let me know what you think--good or bad.

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This is cool!
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Basement Noise v1.0 Soundfont

by Erik Hermansen

Uploaded on Mar 10, 2016

Good mix of samples of different objects being struck, organized as instruments presets and also as a drumkit. Hammersound Rating: 9.5 / 4 reviews Hammersound Description: Scrapes, bangs, drilling, and metallic noises. This is quite a lot different than your typical drumkit, so if you're looking for something unique, then get this one. All original samples. I'm interested in comments.

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