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Namco Arcade Sound Emulator ver.2

by CupheadKrasueHTFBewilderHouseFan!

Uploaded on May 14, 2023 (and last updated on May 19, 2024)

This isn't organized as a normal GM soundfont, but it is a sf2 file that has a lot of Waveforms recreated from old Namco arcade games.

You can make Pacman midis with its sounds if you want, or maybe something better... Make a midi song sounds like if it was made for a namco arcade game!!!

This soundfont's menu/stacking: each wave has a 4 presets group, that includes:

  • Continious Wave (also CW. It sound hasn't envelope and is sustained until the end.
  • Decay (A simple envelope going down to 0 vol. but its duration is nearly accurate to the games).
  • CW (A copy of the first preset but with a detunning fx (Chorus).
  • Decay (Another copy this time of the 2nd preset but with the same effect (Chorus).

The presets couldn't fill all of the presets bank spaces, therefore some instruments won't have presets to sound; So, sorry if there wasn't more waveforms made by Namco I could put on this, (that are actually made by Junko Ozawa, (she's the best!!!)).

So that's it I hope you enjoy :) just, you know, give credit pls. Made Using Piconica (android) & polyphone (PC) apps.

Extra considerations: just credit my work research

File content

  • Namco_Arcade_WSG_Emulator_2.sf2
    • 000-000 Galaga Arco. dec
    • 000-001 Galaga Arco.
    • 000-002 Galaga Arco.## dec
    • 000-003 Galaga Arco. ##
    • 000-004 Arcade Sine
    • 000-005 Arcade Sine dec
    • 000-006 Arcade Sine##
    • 000-007 Arcade Sine dec##
    • 000-008 Bowed Sine
    • 000-009 Bowed Sine dec
    • 000-010 Bowed Sine ##
    • 000-011 Bowed Sine## dec
    • 000-012 Namc0rgan
    • 000-013 Namc0rgan dec
    • 000-014 Namc0rgan dec##
    • 000-015 Namc0rgan##
    • 000-016 GrandFather
    • 000-017 GrandFather dec
    • 000-018 GrandFather dec##
    • 000-019 GrandFather##
    • 000-020 French Trb.
    • 000-021 French Trb. dec
    • 000-022 French Trb. dec##
    • 000-023 French Trb.##
    • 000-024 Pulse city dec
    • 000-025 Pulse city
    • 000-026 Pulse city dec##
    • 000-027 Pulse city##
    • 000-028 PWM 358
    • 000-029 PWM 358 dec
    • 000-030 PWM 358##
    • 000-031 PWM 358 dec##
    • 000-032 Signal T dec
    • 000-033 Signal T
    • 000-034 Signal T dec##
    • 000-035 Signal T##
    • 000-036 Ripley Clicker
    • 000-037 Ripley Clicker env
    • 000-038 Ripley Clicker##
    • 000-039 Ripley Clicker env##
    • 000-040 N-shape dec
    • 000-041 N-shape
    • 000-042 N-shape##
    • 000-043 N-shape dec##
    • 000-044 Sine-Sqr
    • 000-045 Sine-Sqr dec
    • 000-046 Sine-Sqr##
    • 000-047 Sine-Sqr dec##
    • 000-048 Druaga Sym
    • 000-049 1+2 Piano
    • 000-050 Druaga Sym##
    • 000-051 1+2 Piano##
    • 000-052 AM Sine
    • 000-053 AM Sine dec
    • 000-054 AM Sine##
    • 000-055 AM Sine dec##
    • 000-056 Pac-Metalic dec
    • 000-057 Pac-Metalic
    • 000-058 Pac-Metalic## dec
    • 000-059 Pac-Metalic ##
    • 000-060 Syxth Strem
    • 000-061 Syxth Strem dec
    • 000-062 Syxth Strem##
    • 000-063 Syxth Strem dec##
    • 000-064 Sawtooth
    • 000-065 Sawtooth dec
    • 000-066 Sawtooth##
    • 000-067 Sawtooth dec##
    • 000-068 Custom f\Oboe
    • 000-069 Custom f\Oboe dec
    • 000-070 Custom f\Oboe##
    • 000-071 Custom f\Oboe dec##
    • 000-072 BrightPipes
    • 000-073 BrightPipe dec
    • 000-074 BrightPipes##
    • 000-075 BrightPipe dec##
    • 000-076 Hollow##
    • 000-077 Hollow dec##
    • 000-078 Hollow
    • 000-079 Hollow dec
    • 000-080 Square
    • 000-081 Square env
    • 000-082 Square##
    • 000-083 Square env##
    • 000-084 Rabbit Str
    • 000-085 Rabbit Str env
    • 000-086 Rabbit Str##
    • 000-087 Rabbit Str env##
    • 000-088 Druaga Sym dec
    • 000-089 EarthRadio
    • 000-090 Druaga Sym dec##
    • 000-091 EarthRadio ##
    • 000-092 Bottle sqr
    • 000-093 Bottle sqr dec
    • 000-094 Bottle sqr dec##
    • 000-095 Bottle sqr##
    • 000-096 AghMyEars-Synth
    • 000-097 AghMyEars-Synth dec
    • 000-098 AghMyEars-Synth##
    • 000-099 AghMyEars-Synth dec#
    • 000-100 VIBsqr
    • 000-101 VIBsqr dec
    • 000-102 VIBsqr##
    • 000-103 VIBsqr dec##
    • 000-104 Dru-noise##
    • 000-105 Dru-noise env
    • 000-106 Dru-noise
    • 000-107 Dru-noise env##
    • 000-108 R Sqr
    • 000-109 R Sqr dec
    • 000-110 R Sqr##
    • 000-111 R Sqr dec##
    • 128-000 ---