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You can find the latest version of the original free HQ GM/GS/XG SF2 Matrix SoundFont (ca. 1 GB) by cliking on my profile "Matrix369" link. This is a set of instruments that didn't make it into the original Matrix SoundFont. All instruments are additionally edited. List of instruments: Glockenspiel by Versilstudios, Acoustic Guitar 3Vel by Dino Soundfonts SF2, Violin *LDK by Fernando A. Martin, Honky Tonk Piano MONO by, Violin Looped *??? - sou...

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By sa small Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 International
Extra considerations: The license for these instruments is various and valid as for any individual source (see "MatrixSF - the rest 2 - instruments, licenses.txt").

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Matrix SoundFont v2.0.2

by Matrix369

Uploaded on May 16, 2023 (and last updated on May 18, 2023)

Version 2.0.2 - additional fine adjustments (details in "MatrixSF - version history.txt") MatrixSF version 2 is here. Now, I think this soundfont is probably the best in terms of balance and sounds very nice and HQ overall (check the original Roland/Microsoft demo MIDI tracks or well made MIDI, eg. Medley... from my demo MIDI files). Matrix SoundFont is a free, high quality and high balanced sf2 SoundFont, ca. 1 GB in size, GM compatible (partially GS/XG), created primar...

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By sa small Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 International
Extra considerations: The license for this SoundFont is various and valid as for any individual source (see "MatrixSF - instruments, licenses.txt"). The list of sources of all instruments and the corresponding licenses are ca. 99% correct, because I probably missed a few sounds due to testing from many sources. If any sound/instrument should not be in this SoundFont, please send mail at, it will be removed/replaced.

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Best and most used sounds of this 2 toby fox games Note that this works better for listening to MIDIS than to compose music, and if it´s this last option what are you looking forward to, better go find something better This is a .zip with the 2 SF2s

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By sa small Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 International
Extra considerations: any errors are possible, you can correct and redistribute, just credit me and the original sf2 makers

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Melodic Cuica Soundfont

by Sizz Tuna

Uploaded on Jul 04, 2023 (and last updated on Jul 05, 2023)

A melodic cuica soundfont created to help somebody out with a Checker Dance arrangement. Made by pitching the mute cuica sound from the Musescore 3 general soundfont up and down in Audacity, and then stitching the samples together in Polyphone.

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By sa small Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 International
Extra considerations: I'm not the best at reading legal jargon, but the gist I'm going for is that if you create and upload a modified version of this soundfont, it must also be free for people to use and you must reference back to this one as the original. If you wanna use this soundfont in any music projects, however, you're free to do so without any attribution to me, and can copyright your music however you'd like.

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Overdriven Guitar

by Caed

Uploaded on Jul 06, 2023 (and last updated on Jul 06, 2023)

This is an overdriven guitar soundfont which I spent 3 hours of messing around to figure out which settings sounded the best. This covers the GM preset 000:029. This overdriven guitar has each white note sampled at an actual range of F1-E6. The Unreal Instruments' METAL-GTX ( and the Amped Roots plugin ( was used for this. In addition, this contains some modula...

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