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Bitsonic Keyzone Electric Piano

by Simone Piervergili

Uploaded on Dec 22, 2022 (and last updated on Dec 24, 2022)

From Bitsonic Keyzone Piano VST plugin. Now with some velocity layers!!!

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These files have an unknown license, were obtained from unkown sources or were compiled from third party material.

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I upload this preset as a reference to the sound that makes up the sound called Dynopiano in the 01w, the other is the digipiano, which works as a layer 印春大師,我們有沒有可能再創造出另外一種聲音呢? 它也是一台 FM 鋼琴,有什麼辦法可以將它移植到 dexed 上嗎?

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These files have an unknown license, were obtained from unkown sources or were compiled from third party material.

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soundfont (8) piano (8) electric piano (15)

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