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Showing search results for "milton paredes, mpj factory studios"
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Ana gaby voice, tyros version

by Milton Paredes, MPJ factory studios

Uploaded on Oct 08, 2018 (and last updated on Oct 08, 2018)

The ana Gabriela voice oohs soundfont is now available for tiros users!. Compatible with: tiros 3, 4, and 5. t3 users: you need to install your dimm ram memory to use this bank. t4 and t5 users, you must install your flash Yamaha fl memory voice expansion first. Genos users, as we know the ram memory is build in to the keyboard, you must import this UVN file in to Yamaha expansion manager and create a .ppi file pack. This pack you can transfer in to genos from the sof...

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By sa small Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 International
Extra considerations: c 2014 to 2018 mpj Factory, studios, quito, ecuador

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chicherito pss-270 lite

by Milton Paredes, Mpj factory studios

Uploaded on Sep 28, 2019 (and last updated on Sep 28, 2019)

description is in spanish. éste soundfont es dedicado a todos los productores de chicha ecuatoriana. aquí tienen al chicherito pss-270, me he concentrado solo el el sonido aquel que todos conocemos. sampleado directamente del chicherito, usando mi tarjeta m audio m track. el snido chichero contiene dos variaciones, una sin efectos, y la otra con el efecto sinphonic, famoso por rock star, starman, entre otras. para hacerlo mas realista, el sonido chichero fue samplea...

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Wtfpl small Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License 2.0
Extra considerations: chicheros for all!. use on your own risk. makeing music chicha, chicherito

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