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Bassoon Ethan Nando

by Ethan Winer

Uploaded on Jul 23, 2016

Bassoon Ethan Nando is a professional bassoon – with key-switching and a crisp attack of only 0.006 seconds – sampled by Ethan Winer. Without touching the samples, I have added a mono version to preserve polyphony. The original author even liked the idea. The mono version is at program 70. The stereo version is at bank 1, program 70.

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All Rights Reserved to Ethan Winer
Extra considerations: This SoundFont may be freely distributed as long as the author name and copyright notice are not removed.

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Florestan Woodwinds

by Nando Florestan

Uploaded on Jul 23, 2016

Florestan Woodwinds contains flute, oboe, english horn, clarinet and bassoon. They are realistic considering their small size. The oboe comes from Fluid, a GM bank created by Frank Wen.

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Musical Artifacts is an open source web app helping musicians to find, share and preserve the artifacts they use for music production. It's worked on by volunteers in their free time.
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Used with app...

fantasia (3) fluidsynth (3) linuxsampler (3) qsampler (3) qsynth (3)

With format...

sf2 (3)