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Windwaker Soundfont

by MelodyCrystel, with help from LemmyKoopa and MAQUARADE on

Uploaded on Jun 10, 2024 (and last updated on Jun 10, 2024)

This soundfont was created on deviantart in 2014 by MelodyCrystel, I'm just uploading it here for convivence.

File content

    • The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker (by MelodyCrystel)
      • Brass
        • Brass Diocta.sf2
        • Brass Kugutu.sf2
        • Brass MBoss.sf2
        • Brass Pirate.sf2
        • Brass Zelda 1.sf2
        • Brass Zelda 2.sf2
        • Combo Bird.sf2
        • French Horn Zelda.sf2
        • Saxophone Forest Haven.sf2
        • Saxophone Mori.sf2
        • Trumpet Bird.sf2
        • Trumpet Mori.sf2
      • Choir
        • Choir Aah Female.sf2
        • Choir Aah Male.sf2
        • Choir Drama N4D Dragon Roost Island.sf2
        • Choir Female Hyrule.sf2
        • Choir Female N8S Race.sf2
        • Choir Old Tape Hyrule.sf2
        • Choir Ooh Tower of the Gods.sf2
        • Choir Single LinkMotion Female.sf2
        • Choir Single LinkMotion Male.sf2
        • Choir Single Zelda.sf2
      • Percussion
        • Percussion Bird.sf2
        • Percussion Boco.sf2
        • Percussion Drugstore.sf2
        • Percussion Earth Temple.sf2
        • Percussion Forest Haven.sf2
        • Percussion Ganon.sf2
        • Percussion Goma Rane Dragon Roost Mt.sf2
        • Percussion Hyrule Tower of the Gods Kugutu.sf2
        • Percussion Link.sf2
        • Percussion MBoss N3i Maju.sf2
        • Percussion N10I Dragon Roost Island.sf2
        • Percussion N11I Tur.sf2
        • Percussion N4D Dragon Roost Island.sf2
        • Percussion N7I Mori.sf2
        • Percussion objSE.sf2
        • Percussion P Ganon.sf2
        • Percussion Pirate Race.sf2
        • Percussion Store.sf2
        • Percussion SystemSE.sf2
        • Percussion W Zelda.sf2
        • Percussion Wind Temple DaiDun Diocta.sf2
        • Percussion Zelda.sf2
      • Percussive Instruments
        • Accordion.sf2
        • Celesta Race.sf2
        • Celesta SystemSE.sf2
        • Celesta Tower of the Gods 1.sf2
        • Glockenspiel Hyrule.sf2
        • Glockenspiel Tower of the Gods 2.sf2
        • Harpsichord Amosu.sf2
        • Harpsichord n11i tur.sf2
        • Marimba Link.sf2
        • Marimba Store.sf2
        • Marimba Tetra.sf2
        • Marimba Wind Temple.sf2
        • MusicBox Tetra.sf2
        • MusicBox Zelda.sf2
        • Odd Sound Link.sf2
        • Organ Electric 1.sf2
        • Organ Electric 2.sf2
        • Organ Electric 3.sf2
        • Organ Electric Ganon.sf2
        • Organ Pipe Tower of the Gods.sf2
        • Piano Chords Ganon.sf2
        • Piano Goma.sf2
        • Piano Grand Kugutu.sf2
        • Piano Grand N3I Maju.sf2
        • Piano ObjSE.sf2
        • Piano Store.sf2
        • Piano Upright Diocta.sf2
        • Tubular Bells Diocta.sf2
        • Tubular Bells MBoss.sf2
        • Tubular Bells Shiren.sf2
        • Tubular Bells Tower of the Gods.sf2
        • Vibraphone Bird.sf2
        • Xylophone Forest Haven.sf2
        • Xylophone RetroPop Ganon.sf2
        • Xylophone Zelda.sf2
      • Plucked Strings
        • Blurry Guitar Omoush.sf2
        • Earth Temple.sf2
        • Guitar Wind Temple.sf2
        • Harp Dragon Roost Island.sf2
        • Harp Tower of the Gods.sf2
        • Harp Zelda.sf2
        • Mori.sf2
        • Pizzcato Hyrule.sf2
        • Pizzcato SystemSE.sf2
        • Pizzcato Wind Temple.sf2
        • Pizzcato Zelda 1.sf2
        • Pizzcato Zelda 2.sf2
        • Rubber Band Ganon.sf2
        • Sitar Drugstore.sf2
        • Weird Strings Dragon Roost Island.sf2
        • Weird Strings Mori.sf2
        • Zelda.sf2
      • Strings
        • Bass Section Tower of the Gods.sf2
        • Cello Section Amosu.sf2
        • Solo Viola MBoss.sf2
        • Solo Violin Wind Temple.sf2
        • Strings Spiccato Diocta.sf2
        • Strings Spiccato Zelda.sf2
        • Strings Sudden Bird.sf2
        • Strings Sudden Tetra.sf2
        • Strings Synth objSE.sf2
        • Strings Tower of the Gods.sf2
        • Strings Tremelo Mori.sf2
        • Strings Tremelo Tetra.sf2
        • Strings Tremelo Wind Temple.sf2
        • Strings Trio Mori.sf2
        • Strings Trio Zelda.sf2
        • Strings Zelda.sf2
        • Viola Section Earth Temple.sf2
        • Viola Section Forest Haven.sf2
        • Violin Section Hyrule.sf2
      • Synth Bigpow.sf2
      • Synth Bird.sf2
      • Synth Boco.sf2
      • Synth Ganon.sf2
      • SystemSE.sf2
      • Unpitched Non-Percussion Dragon Roost Island.sf2
      • Unpitched Non-Percussion Earth Temple Animal.sf2
      • Unpitched Non-Percussion Earth Temple Didgeridoo.sf2
      • Unpitched Non-Percussion Earth Temple Flute.sf2
      • Unpitched Non-Percussion Earth Temple Piccolo.sf2
      • Unpitched Non-Percussion Ganon.sf2
      • Unpitched Non-Percussion Link.sf2
      • Unpitched Non-Percussion SystemSE.sf2
      • Woodwinds
        • Bagpipes.sf2
        • Bassoon Forest Haven.sf2
        • Bassoon Hyrule.sf2
        • Clarinet Bird.sf2
        • Clarinet Forest Haven.sf2
        • Clarinet Tetra.sf2
        • Clarinet Zelda.sf2
        • Flute Caves.sf2
        • Flute EarthTemple.sf2
        • Flute Forest Haven.sf2
        • Flute Ganon.sf2
        • Flute Mori.sf2
        • Flute Wind Temple.sf2
        • Flute Zelda.sf2
        • Oboe Hyrule.sf2
        • Oboe Zelda.sf2
        • Pan Flute Dragon Roost Island.sf2
        • Pan Flute N11I Tur.sf2
        • Pan Flute objSE.sf2
        • Pan Flute Zelda.sf2
        • Whistle MBoss.sf2