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Metal Pack v1

by Sebastian Posch

Uploaded on Aug 10, 2015 (and last updated on Jan 09, 2016)

The guitar tone is rough (as it should be) and I'm extremely happy with what you can get out of guitarix. Anyway these should sound pretty brutal depending on your guitar and other setup. To contact the author mail: Email address protected by JavaScript. Please enable JavaScript to read it.

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All Rights Reserved to Sebastian Posch

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Rock / Heavy Rock Pack

by lfz

Uploaded on Jul 29, 2015 (and last updated on Jan 15, 2024)

Includes a few Guitarix presets I've been using to record a classic rock/heavy metal sound. The presets are: a few clean sounds dry and with some delay a crunchy distortion with a bright high end but a kinda bassy Mesa Boogie based tone A so-so lead sound an overly distorted lead sound See the info links for an example of the sounds.

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guitar (6) preset (7) metal (14)

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guitarix (14)

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