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Homebrew Browser (addicti.mod) Soundfont

by hbaoymb

Uploaded on Sep 11, 2022 (and last updated on Sep 11, 2022)

A soundfont of the Homebrew Browser theme using the original samples from addicti.mod by Jogeir Liljiedahl or otherwise known as "noiseless"

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yamaha YPT 220 piano V2

by TheSoundfontMaker

Uploaded on Sep 11, 2022 (and last updated on Oct 26, 2023)

Yamaha YPT 220 Sampled grand stereo piano

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These files have an unknown license, were obtained from unkown sources or were compiled from third party material.

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<- |Discord Discord Revolution Soundfont| ->

by Melodii (AKA. MelodiiMilmshake)

Uploaded on Jul 20, 2022 (and last updated on Jul 20, 2022)

Made a soundfont out of the sounds you hear on Discord whenever you press Ctrl+/ and then press any arrow key, feel free to use btw

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Wtfpl small Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License 2.0
Extra considerations: It's obviously free, but DON'T sell it or use it maliciously

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Ok, this will be the better strings that you can get contains a lot of solo and general midi strings section ,so enjoy it

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Extra considerations: im tired, just edit and balance it, if thw volumes, I recommend copy the section to another soundfont for check the difference

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CWBF Magdalenian Conch

by Colin WB Foley

Uploaded on Feb 13, 2021 (and last updated on Feb 13, 2021)

I read the Ars Technica article about a conch shell that was used about 18000 years ago as a musical instrument: Happily, some researchers had recorded three very nice samples of the instrument. I went to the source (, downloaded the file, chopped it up into samples, fixed the tuning, and turned it into a soundf...

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By nc small Creative Commons BY-NC 4.0 International
Extra considerations: Using the license for the original work. It's arguable whether this can be copyrighted at all, though. My minimal work here can be used under a CC0 license.

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This my merger and fix of the Hedsound MT32 soundfont and Hakerg's GM version. Hakerg had forgotten the fret noise which broke certain songs, so what I did to fix that involved me putting the Guitar Harmonics thing there. Also I did some link-related stereo fixes without affecting the MT32's special stereo. I also painstakingly made the SFX kit into individual GS SFX items, while also making Bird Tweet better. I mapped the SFX also into the MSB Bank 64 XG SFX bank so that ...

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Rugrats in Paris: The Movie (Nintendo 64) Soundfont 1.0. 1

by Wrapped Tomato Soup with Cheese

Uploaded on Oct 22, 2020 (and last updated on May 19, 2024)

-Coming up, another Rugrats Videogame Soundfont! Like always, this might have some tuning problems, yadi yadi yada... We'll see if I can update them in the future. I also added all of the SFX, just in case. The amount of instruments was very dull, so there was nothing stopping me to add the SFX aboard. Everything that was ripped should be there! -Stay Safe Fellas! -WTSwC DISCLAIMER: -Now, let me note that all of the samples from this Soundfont is property of Mark Mothers...

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These files have an unknown license, were obtained from unkown sources or were compiled from third party material.

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-Here's the Scavenger Hunt one. Some of the presets might have some tuning &amp; loop issues, but I can always update it. All of the Samples are from here: DISCLAIMER: -Now, let me note that all of the samples from this Soundfont is property of Mark Mothersbaugh &amp; Nickelodeon. Non of them are mine nor anyone else's. I am not trying to steal anything. Stay Save Fellas. -WTSwC V1.1 UPDATE 10/Sep...

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These files have an unknown license, were obtained from unkown sources or were compiled from third party material.

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22/Sep/2020 (1.2) Update: -I finally was able to convert all of the actual samples from the game. The old SF had samples that I ripped myself from the soundtrack... Yeah, it wasn't good... But anyway! Here's the updated one with some samples you don't even hear in the original uncompressed soundtrack. I highly beyond recommend this one compared to the old one. Remember, I am not best at tuning instruments but I did my best, I hope you enjoy it. Also, I put more tags becaus...

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These files have an unknown license, were obtained from unkown sources or were compiled from third party material.

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Sonic CD samples

by Dekyo Ongen

Uploaded on Aug 04, 2020 (and last updated on May 19, 2024)

Extracted from SNCBNK* files. All voices included. They're in 16kHz. I recommend importing these in an audio editor/sampler/whatever you choose to play with the pitch/playback rate (note -- playback rate, not sample rate) otherwise import these in a SoundFont editor, etc. If you wish to use a sampler, I recommend a sampler that allows you to choose interpolation types (i.e. zero-order hold, linear, etc.) to simulate that aliased sound (using bit crushers isn't highly recom...

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These files have an unknown license, were obtained from unkown sources or were compiled from third party material.

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