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aobu's chiptune soundfont v0.03

by aobunau

Uploaded on Jun 28, 2021 (and last updated on Apr 04, 2024)

v0.04 changelog: -added 1 bit noise samples made using magical 8 bit plugin 2 by ymck -fixed sine, saw, and round saw being 1 octave too high -new drum kit made using only simple waves i've made a short little demo track using only instruments from the soundfont to demonstrate it's versatility: so why should you use it? if you're using fl studio, it doesn't support note sliding for 3rd party vsts, including...

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By small Creative Commons BY 4.0 International
Extra considerations: most of the instruments in the soundfont are made using the nes vst by matt montag, a few made in magical 8 bit plugin 2 by ymck & 3x osc. the dpcm drum kit is just the default nes vst drums

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