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Stereo Rock Guitars (No Loop)

by Daindune

Uploaded on Feb 23, 2024 (and last updated on Feb 24, 2024)

This is probably the best overdriven and distorted electric guitar soundfont. The samples are recorded from Soundtrap, and the Classic Dist, and Overdrive effects have been added to a clean sounding electric guitar. Samples are stereo, but they are unfortunately not looped. if someone could loop these samples, I would appreciate it. Feel free to use these guitars in any of your soundfonts, and yes, they are General MIDI compatible.

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Ok this have a General Midi version of all of the best presets of overdrive and distorted guitars that are at least credible in the story of Rock Guitar soundfonts since 1996 (meaning the less cheaper cheesy, synthy sounding, capable of soloing, rythm, etc) featuring Simone Piervegli, Soundfonts4U, UGK, Kamac,IK Multimedia, etc this soundfonts was featured over tons of Doom gameplays, however here you have this try to preserve that classic soundfont presets in their sin...

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80s Hard'n'Heavy Rock

by Christopher Arndt

Uploaded on Jul 02, 2017 (and last updated on Jul 02, 2017)

A guitarix amp modelling preset for playing 80s hard'n'heavy rock. The signal chain is a DS1 overdrive through a head with 12ax7 pre-amp / 6V6 master tubes, M-Lead Style tonestack and Marshall Style cabinet. Effects are light compression and a bit of chorus and some reverb.

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Gritty Clean Preset

by lfz

Uploaded on Nov 01, 2015 (and last updated on Jul 02, 2016)

A Guitarix preset for a clean guitar sound with an edge of overdrive. Sounds awesome for clean leads, rhythmic passages and funky guitar stuff. Turn the plate reverb off if you want a more raw sound. EDIT: Updated with a version for Humbuckers and another one with a cleaner sound with a little more delay and reverb.

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