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Showing search results for "mccheesebob"
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Yamaha TX16w GM compatible soundfont

by McCheeseBob

Uploaded on Sep 01, 2021 (and last updated on Sep 02, 2021)

Well here's yet another silly GM compatible soundfont made from an old sampler's samples. I'd been fiddling around with the Cyclone vst and made a soundfont for a nice piano sound I liked. After awhile I figured I might as well just dump in the whole kitchen sink. Still wouldn't say that this is the most usable soundfont for listening to midis or what have you, but it's miles about my CMI soundfont. Definitely has a mid-90s GM module sound to it. I'm slowly learning how to...

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These files have an unknown license, were obtained from unkown sources or were compiled from third party material.

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Fairlight CMI IIx GM compatible soundfont

by McCheeseBob

Uploaded on Jul 01, 2021 (and last updated on Sep 02, 2021)

Here's a GM compatible soundfont I made with various CMI II and IIx samples I've found/converted. It's not a particularly good sounding soundfont, closer to a meme in some cases really. I've found that it sounds best with either midis tailored to it or light orchestral tracks, kinda get a SNES-ish sound from those short, looped 8-bit samples. Not everything is fine tuned but everything should be close-ish nowadays. If not please poke me at @McCheeseBob on Twitter. Enjoy(or...

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These files have an unknown license, were obtained from unkown sources or were compiled from third party material.

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