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This sub-7KiB GM soundfont works on all midi players. It uses a 9 sample filtered square wave for melody and a 118 sample filtered periodic Noise wave for drums and sfx. Also note that the square is 11025hz sample rate and the noise is 11025hz sample rate, meaning that one can use it in scenarios of the worst quality possible with no trouble whatsoever. The entire 127 samples of audio data could fit in the wave memory of the Namco 163 Famicom expansion sound chip when ALL ...

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By small Creative Commons BY 3.0 Unported
Extra considerations: You can use this for anything you can think of using this for.

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by Sebastian Posch

Uploaded on Sep 24, 2015 (and last updated on Dec 30, 2015)

Soft Lead Preset for Guitarix

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All Rights Reserved to Sebastian Posch

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by Sebastian Posch

Uploaded on Sep 28, 2015 (and last updated on Dec 30, 2015)

This is a mystical sounding clean preset for guitarix using the convolver using Guitarix 0.32.1. Modify depending on your pre-amp etc. Please use this for whatever you like and send me a link to your project if you have the time.

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