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by Borla

Uploaded on Jan 22, 2016 (and last updated on Sep 19, 2016)

Darlings.gx.Last update July 2016. Enhanced and improved.Clean (cl), crunchy (cr) and overdriven (od) guitarix sets of Roland JC-120, Voxes, Fenders, Marshall JCM-800, Mesa Boogie.The clean sounds with reverb (rv) and a bit chorus (ch). The overdriven sounds sometimes with compression (co).Normally I prefer the tonestack, but sometimes the amp impulse seems to do a better job. Try it yourself. And try putting it in front of or behind the valve section. It sounds different!...

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80s Hard'n'Heavy Rock

by Christopher Arndt

Uploaded on Jul 02, 2017 (and last updated on Jul 02, 2017)

A guitarix amp modelling preset for playing 80s hard'n'heavy rock. The signal chain is a DS1 overdrive through a head with 12ax7 pre-amp / 6V6 master tubes, M-Lead Style tonestack and Marshall Style cabinet. Effects are light compression and a bit of chorus and some reverb.

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