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Xiaod Bank Soundfont

by Xiaod

Uploaded on Mar 10, 2016

A GM soundfont with some good sounds hidden in there. Many of the instruments sound generic or you might have heard them on other such GM collections, also volume is not always consistent between instruments. It has many different drumkit presets and overall might be useful to someone. Hammersound Rating: 10.0 / 3 reviews Hammersound Description: Very Big! 100% Excellence overall!!!!!! This is the only one you wil ever need!

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MagicalFishing's Weird and Obscure Soundfont Compendium

by Various

Uploaded on Oct 07, 2023 (and last updated on Oct 07, 2023)

I have a knack for downloading random soundfonts that I'll never use just because their names or contents pique my interest. So here's a collection of 325 soundfonts worth 5.43GB of storage space I arbitrarily deemed as "obscure" or "weird" Obviously I didn't make any of these. All rights to the respective owners.

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