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Showing search results for "strixsf2"
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HiDef (my 4GiB Roland SC-88Pro SoundFont)

by stgiga, et. al. (check my Weebly)

Uploaded on Dec 05, 2022 (and last updated on Oct 20, 2023)

I'm stgiga, and here's my 4GiB Roland SC-88Pro soundfont from my Weebly but in a better place. This SF2 was made when I was, in essence, a 15-16yo trans girl (I'm now nonbinary, 21yo, and use they/them). It even supports the XG mode. It was designed to be compatible with the vast majority of MIDI files, including exotic ones that used the 88Pro, especially Japanese MIDIs. I made it in 2018 when I was fed up with broken MIDIs. It was a pain to make and often involved using ...

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by strixSF2

Uploaded on Nov 15, 2020 (and last updated on Sep 03, 2021)

A retro soundfont!

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Gpl small GNU General Public License v3.0
Extra considerations: "As a special exception, if you create a composition which uses these sounds, and mix these sounds or unaltered portions of these sounds into the composition, these sounds do not by themselves cause the entire composition as a whole to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the composition might be covered by the GNU General Public License. If you modify these sounds, you may extend this exception to your version of the sounds, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version."

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The Mario Kart Super Circuit Soundfont + Midi Rips

by RunTheCoins

Uploaded on Apr 21, 2022 (and last updated on Sep 15, 2023)

The Mario Kart Super Circuit Soundfont, Fully accurate, Sequenced, and Midi rips as Well! UPDATE : THIS SOUNDFONT IS COMPLETE, NO MORE UPDATES lol Update (7.0) for MKGBA (GBA Quality), Everything is accurately sequenced, and *(most) midi rips from the game are now included. If you don't want to hear 8-bit triangle wave drums because they just don't work in a certain song? Just use the (No GB Noise) version instead, I suggest that one myself if you just wanna listen to m...

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A derivative of Super Italo DiscoFont by Yingchun Soul with more tones restored from older versions of SIDF. Version 1.0.0 release version.

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Public small Work in the Public Domain
Extra considerations: CC0 v1.0 public domain dedication

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by 快乐爱的小精灵, strixSF2

Uploaded on Jul 30, 2020

Stardream Studios self made tones, both Elf and Strix. Can be used with any sound banks.

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Gpl small GNU General Public License v3.0
Extra considerations: As a special exception, if you create a composition which uses these sounds, and mix these sounds or unaltered portions of these sounds into the composition, these sounds do not by themselves cause the entire composition as a whole to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the composition might be covered by the GNU General Public License. If you modify these sounds, you may extend this exception to your version of the sounds, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version.

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VST's from Necromare

by Placeholder Stick, Necromare (vsti)

Uploaded on Nov 21, 2020 (and last updated on Nov 25, 2020)

VSTI's from Necromare, available here: VSTI's by Necromare: If possible, read the information in the 1st link in "More Info" Note: StrixSF2 please check if these can be used in sample libraries

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