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Showing search results for "duwindu tharinda"
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ColomboGMGS2 SoundFont v.14.5

by Duwindu Tharinda

Uploaded on Jul 06, 2020 (and last updated on Apr 13, 2024)

Bundled with a Cakewalk SONAR Instrument definitions List and a special layout (skin) file for VanBasco player! CHANGELOG: A rather successful Multi-Standard emulation project registered for the very first time from Sri Lanka. Aiming to sound cool with the Greatest possible number of instruments plus premiering new voices, (But, Yamaha XG, MMA GM2 and sometimes Roland GS make use of Variation Banks ac...

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This was initially sampled by EmperorGriefus. Here, I have added some additional drum kits and drum sounds from SC-88/88pro/8820 plus the set of MT-32 patches the original SC-55 module was supposed to offer at Bank no.127. I made several additional tweaks to lower the file size by noticing actual loop points heard in longer samples. The modulation effects lost in this trimming process are then recovered by doing the math at parameter sections with reference to Roland's ori...

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Roland JV-1080 Drums (SF2)

by W. Duwindu Tharinda Perera

Uploaded on Mar 07, 2023 (and last updated on Mar 08, 2023)

This includes samples mainly sourced from this webpage; Other than that, a few samples from Thomas K's Roland JV-1010 (Volume Fixed), Roland SC-55 by EmperorGriefus, and ColomboGMGS2 was used to cover up some parts that weren't covered by the aforementioned webpage. Assembled to be GM-Compatible, and I was able to finalize it within a single day. Changelog: 3/7/2023 15:04 GMT - Added SFX, Ethnic (88), Asia (88) and CM32/64 kits, ...

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The soundfont was sampled using some websites/web apps that offer an animated drumset with different arrangements of key controls to play the kick, hats, snare, toms and cymbals. I'm so slow to adapt these custom maps, so I decided to slap the samples to the classic GM/GS drum map and finally layered the rest of percussion. Not only that but also I added a missing China cymbal from Milton Paredes' Just T4, which kinda fits neat with it.

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Korg X5 Drums (SF2)

by W. Duwindu Tharinda Perera

Uploaded on Mar 08, 2023 (and last updated on Mar 08, 2023)

Props to BrianFan The Hedgehog for suggesting me this! Just like the JV-1080 Drums, this soundfont also is a compilation from some other set of samples. Maybe it's some Room ambiance or a mysterious DSP Reverb or EQ left applied while the source samples were being recorded (before the author uploaded it to the relevant website) they doesn't sound perfectly neutral for me. It's up to you to decide whether or not apply an EQ treatment here. I'm more of a Rola...

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Yamaha XG Soundset

by Duwindu Tharinda

Uploaded on Jun 04, 2021

I just found this from a site named As an sf2 file, this has such a speciality that my Polyphone SoundFont editor can't specify the actual instrument preset numbers since those are located in LSB Slots rather than traditional MSB slots in Roland GS Architecture. The major downside is though, those presets don't work even though a MIDI file contain CC#32 messages on it in such cases like Coolsoft VirtualMIDISynth and even in Falcosoft player. I tried to enhance...

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