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Tombed Guitarix Preset

by Sebastian Posch

Uploaded on Feb 29, 2016 (and last updated on Jul 04, 2016)

Guitarix Preset for Doom Metal/Death Metal/Grindcore/Stoner Metal, ...

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by Sebastian Posch

Uploaded on Sep 28, 2015 (and last updated on Dec 30, 2015)

This is a mystical sounding clean preset for guitarix using the convolver using Guitarix 0.32.1. Modify depending on your pre-amp etc. Please use this for whatever you like and send me a link to your project if you have the time.

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Journey Guitarix Preset

by Sebastian Posch

Uploaded on Jan 20, 2016 (and last updated on Jan 20, 2016)

I decided to call this preset "Journey" because I was fooling around trying to get a guitar tone like in the Journey song "I'll be alright without you", just like my client requested. Typical bluesy 80's Fender sound. Then as it turns out, with a bit of Convolver and Delay the tone sounds quite like a "mystical" trip to me. So the name "Journey" still works in that situation :) This demo was played on my Epiphone Explorer with humbucker on the neck pickup. Generated wit...

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