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FS Ibanez Electric Bass Guitar

by FlameStudios

Uploaded on Sep 08, 2015 (and last updated on Oct 15, 2015)

This is a more muffled bass, suited for blending in or behind distorted guitars but useful for any situation when a bass sound without so much clarity is needed. It is also a much smaller file than the rest. Originally I made this just for my own personal use but decided it might be useful to others as it fits some pieces where the washburn bass doesn't.

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An acoustic guitar suited to bluesy rhythms. Has quite alot of fret rattle with the high velocities but also a certain amount of mid to high frequencies which helps to give it its own place in a mix. You also have a choice of how much reverb you use just by using the mod wheel 2 (cc13) on certain presets. The reverb is a genuine old Fender Reverb unit. Which is a valve driven spring reverb. Not only is it a nice classic reverb but just putting the samples through it warms ...

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