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Wappy Dog Soundfont

by HopefulSpread

Uploaded on Feb 26, 2021 (and last updated on Feb 26, 2021)

Instruments from the Wappy Dog Nintendo DS game. I listed things weirdly, I won't lie.

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42 All-Time Classics/Clubhouse Games (DS) Soundfont

by tahutoa

Uploaded on May 31, 2020 (and last updated on May 31, 2020)

A soundfont for AGENDA's classic game, made by extracting all the sound banks from the NDS ROM and conglomerating their contents into one .sf2. Patch 81 (Square Wave) was lifted from Wario Land 4-- the game didn't have a patch for that, and I think it drew on the system's sound chip for that. Also, to explain the parentheses, all the patches have a Reverb value included in them for some reason. BTW, from the get go the patches matched up with GM. All the GS patches herei...

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