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CalculatorSF GM

by stgiga, sleaf, Marcel J. Therrien, JS121, evnchn, [nowanonymous]

Uploaded on Apr 26, 2023 (and last updated on Apr 17, 2024)

Ask and you shall receive: A GM SoundFont by me, stgiga, of those musical calculators that was turned into an incomplete and non-GM SoundFont by evnchn on Github, but now including a drumkit (the Controller Click from Marcel J. Therrien's Gamer's Orchestra to represent calculator keypresses), and SFX (Pencil from JS121's SFX, to fit the math theme.) sleaf (maker of the old DSoundFont Ultimate and its much better successors Enchant! and ETERNAL!) helped fix the balance, whi...

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Deadhead preset

by lfz

Uploaded on Oct 31, 2015 (and last updated on Dec 30, 2015)

A guitarix preset for the song Deadhead by the canadian metal master Devin Townsend. It's very noisy and you should tweak the reverb and the delay to suit your needs. The original recording has lots of layers of guitars and reverb so this is not really a reproduction of that tone, just something you can use for fun and to build upon. Also my guitar and strings dont really suit this riff, but I've recorded the demo sounds anyway. It's also pretty good for lead sounds! In...

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Gritty Clean Preset

by lfz

Uploaded on Nov 01, 2015 (and last updated on Jul 02, 2016)

A Guitarix preset for a clean guitar sound with an edge of overdrive. Sounds awesome for clean leads, rhythmic passages and funky guitar stuff. Turn the plate reverb off if you want a more raw sound. EDIT: Updated with a version for Humbuckers and another one with a cleaner sound with a little more delay and reverb.

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