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Bonetrousle Drum Samples (v2.5)

by churros4514

Uploaded on Jul 05, 2021 (and last updated on Jul 22, 2022)

Want to make custom Bonetrousles like the ones you see on SiIvagunner, or TimmyTurnersGrandDad? Here are some high quality samples I've made myself in FL Studio 10! Old samples + Restored HD ones now included because idk!! Have fun with them. Credit to me would be appreciated! (Currently on hiatus.)

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By small Creative Commons BY 3.0 Unported
Extra considerations: Not needed, but credit would be nice! :)

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Tambourine Hydrogen Drumkit and samples

by isis999

Uploaded on Nov 15, 2016 (and last updated on Nov 24, 2016)

Drumkit for Hydrogen, of various tambourine samples. The samples are provided as well. I've only cutted the silences before the attack. They are not otherwise manipulated in any way. They come from the University of Iowa (USA), Electronic Music Studio. They are generously and freely available, and are published without any license. Except one sample, Tambourine, wich comes from the Hydrogen official drumkits database: Gimme a H...

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