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Korg Wavestation Koto Restored

by Reza Khadafi

Uploaded on Jul 14, 2023 (and last updated on Jul 14, 2023)

Koto samples be Restoring from DSS-1 ROM Korg Wavestation Ethnic Card 1990's samples version is full rip Source : E-MU emulator II #korg #emu-emulator

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Update 05/29/2023: No changes to the zip file at this time, but the tags and other artifact information have been edited to be more accurate. This is my collection of Taiko drum files, collected from two main sources: The Taiko Drums recorded by Jason Champion, found on; and the collection and soundfont created by S. Christian Collins; found on and collected from Subaqueous and whatsanickname4u. Unzipped size: 41.8 M...

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Various Licenses
These files are made available through a mix of different licenses. Read the description, more info links, file contents or contact the author in order to get the full information.
Extra considerations: To be safe, I recommend attributing Jason Champion, S. Christian Collins, Subaqueous, and whatsanickname4u as the sources of the Taiko drums. If you wish to attribute me as the curator of this collection, please use the attribution "Servetier".

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ColomboGMGS2 SoundFont v.14.5

by Duwindu Tharinda

Uploaded on Jul 06, 2020 (and last updated on Apr 13, 2024)

Bundled with a Cakewalk SONAR Instrument definitions List and a special layout (skin) file for VanBasco player! CHANGELOG: A rather successful Multi-Standard emulation project registered for the very first time from Sri Lanka. Aiming to sound cool with the Greatest possible number of instruments plus premiering new voices, (But, Yamaha XG, MMA GM2 and sometimes Roland GS make use of Variation Banks ac...

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Tekiah, Shevarim, Teruah

by Starbirth Music - Martin J. Schiff

Uploaded on Aug 24, 2015 (and last updated on Jan 15, 2016)

Here are some free samples from Starbirth Music for Gigastudio and other samplers. The first sample is for Gigastudio, and is a recording of traditional shofar calls played and recorded by Martin Schiff. Here are the details about the samples: There are 3 different calls: Tekiah - a long blast (varying lengths) Shevarim - a wailing sound Teruah - a broken trumpet sound Mappings C4 - G4 - Tekiah (all notes, including half steps) A5, B5 - Teruah C5, D5 - Shevarim E5...

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All Rights Reserved to Starbirth Music - Martin J. Schiff
Extra considerations: You may use them in any way you wish to make music either for your own use, or commercially, but you MAY NOT sell the samples, or include them in a compilation for samples for sale.

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