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mario kart
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Mario kart double dash samples

by Jody

Uploaded on May 06, 2023 (and last updated on May 06, 2023)

I got the mkdd samples from I know someone made a Mario kart double dash soundfont but it sounds like trash the reason why I am uploading it hear is if anybody is interested in making a Mario kart double dash soundfont the sound samples are not mine and plus you don't have to ask if you can make the soundfont with the samples

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The Mario Kart Super Circuit Soundfont + Midi Rips

by RunTheCoins

Uploaded on Apr 21, 2022 (and last updated on Sep 15, 2023)

The Mario Kart Super Circuit Soundfont, Fully accurate, Sequenced, and Midi rips as Well! UPDATE : THIS SOUNDFONT IS COMPLETE, NO MORE UPDATES lol Update (7.0) for MKGBA (GBA Quality), Everything is accurately sequenced, and *(most) midi rips from the game are now included. If you don't want to hear 8-bit triangle wave drums because they just don't work in a certain song? Just use the (No GB Noise) version instead, I suggest that one myself if you just wanna listen to m...

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