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Tiny Piano 00 (SFZ)

by Signal Experiments

Uploaded on Jul 24, 2016 (and last updated on Jul 25, 2016)

A tiny experimental piano sample library! Demo: More info: Artificial stereo panning and looping of long notes makes the over all sample library just 10.8mb without sacrificing number of samples, thus avoiding overstretching pitches. For an even tinier (2.8MB) ogg version see: Use with Plogue Sforzando, or other SFZ com...

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By small Creative Commons BY 4.0 International
Extra considerations: Attribution is not required when using this for music performance or production.

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SampleSynthesis (an attempt to emulate/recreate toy keyboards and lo-fi retro sounds)

by Dekyo Ongen

Uploaded on Mar 05, 2018 (and last updated on Apr 10, 2021)

SampleSynthesis (beta version) is a SoundFont based on waveforms sampled from various sound sources. Note that "sound source" in my context refers to a sound generator software, not a public source of downloadable sounds. I made it to recreate electronic toys and more. (Specifically retro sounds). Features velocity layers in some presets, some of them are monophonic. I recommend use this SoundFont without sinc interpolation because it ruins loop points in the samples. No...

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