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Showing search results for "xhomie3"
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Full information: What is Brass and strings ensemble? Brass and strings ensemble is an kontakt instrument aka Symphony series collection its an orchestra set like that. We only included 2 of them and its brass and strings and we made into an soundfont version on it because why not... Download the Instruction file it will teach how to download it FIle size is 1gb+ but the ar...

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All Rights Reserved to Xhomie3 or XNX team
Extra considerations: All samples are from native instruments

This is cool!
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Dont have nexus2 or nexus3? And you want to try their presets? Now here's some of our nexus collection Our collection are bunch Christmas expansions And we one to share them to everyone But how will I import the expansion? Well its and .wav file our team record sounds on nexus and make it to .wav files you dont need nexus to load it. You only need to download an any audio sampler and import the sounds! Credits: Kine.P -File arranger Ninja_93 -The guy who changed the fil...

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All Rights Reserved to Xhomie3 and others ^w^

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