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HamOrg (Drawbar Organ) [Free Version]

by Michael Picher

Uploaded on May 06, 2018 (and last updated on Dec 02, 2018)

Rebuilt and updated my virtual drawbar/tonewheel organ! It features chromatic samples from a direct input setup, giving you the pure unfiltered sound of the organ. In the latest iteration, you can easily create your own custom preset registrations, accessible via key switches. The free version has full drawbar control and all the effects from the full version. >> IMPORTANT: If you want to be notified when a new version of this sample library is available, make sure...

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All Rights Reserved to Michael Picher
Extra considerations: Feel free to use this virtual instrument in any commercial/non-commercial projects!

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Deep Bass (based on pasta bass)

by j_e_f_f_g

Uploaded on Oct 09, 2015 (and last updated on Dec 29, 2015)

This electric bass has a pronounced pick attack. This helps cut through a rock mix where you have lots of bass-heavy distorted guitar "power chords". My version differs from the original source in that mine is stereo, looped, has some noise removed, and includes a "legato mode" mapping.

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