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Keppy's Steinway Piano (Version 5.2)

by KaleidonKep99 & Frozen Snow Productions

Uploaded on Dec 24, 2017 (and last updated on Mar 05, 2020)

Keppy's Steinway Piano was a professional piano soundfont developed by KaleidonKep99. The soundfont is based off samples from a Steinway D-274 concert grand piano, and it was sampled with a TASCAM DR-40. It was provided in the SFZ format, which allows for the customization of the soundfont to a user's specific preference, and for optimization for various types of MIDIs.

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911115n Percussion Kit

by Omega9

Uploaded on Sep 06, 2015 (and last updated on Dec 20, 2021)

Scrap percussion kit in SFZ format. It is raw, no processing were made. 911115n Percussion Kit [FLAC] - 24.8MB 911115n Percussion Kit [WAV] - 41.1 MB

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by Omega9, Lissenuru, Roman Screamroad

Uploaded on Dec 18, 2017 (and last updated on Dec 20, 2021)

DLS is a tiny percussion samples library of a sounds of a BDSM devices, including: Flogger - C2-G#2 Belt - A2-B2 Paddle - C3-D#3 Format: Kontakt (v5.5 or newer required), SFZ, Ableton Live Pack. Kontakt patch includes 8 presets and a pair of scripts

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Used with app...

linuxsampler (3)

With format...

sfz (3)